Cancellation/Attendance Policy
A commitment to our time together is essential for meeting your therapy goals. When you make an appointment, your appointment time is held for you and is reserved exclusively for you. To ensure a beneficial experience, I would ask that you familiarize yourself with my cancellation policy.
It is preferred that a client keep any appointments that they make. This allows for the consistency of therapy. I do realize however, that occasional emergencies come up that may mean you’ll need to cancel. If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, I would ask that you do so with as much notice as possible. Any cancellation 24 hours before the session will be taken off the schedule without a fee.
Any session taken off the calendar under 23 hours and 59 minutes ahead of the scheduled appointment is considered a late cancellation. Any appointment you have scheduled but do not show for is considered a “no show” appointment. The first time that you late cancel or no show for an appointment, you will not be charged a late fee. That is your one “freebie”.
If you are not able to make your appointment and have not canceled 24 hours ahead of time, you will be charged for your scheduled appointment at the beginning of that appointment time. If you late cancel, you do, however, have the opportunity to reschedule that appointment if it’s within a week of your original appointment, without accruing an additional fee. That way I am able to rely on your payment for my personal and business expenses, and you still get your session.
Please communicate with me if you're not going to make your appointment. Any no show appointments without communication will be charged the full fee (after the freebie).
You will be responsible for rescheduling your own appointments on the portal: If you have a regularly scheduled appointment, the future one will not be taken off of the schedule unless you let me know 24 hours ahead of time or cancel it in the portal. That could mean that you have a week with multiple sessions scheduled within that week. If appointment openings for rescheduling don’t align with your schedule, you can check in with me to see if I might have other availability. There is no guarantee that I'll have an open appointment that will meet up with your availability.
If you are late for a session, I wait for 15 minutes. If I haven't heard from you in that 15 minutes, you will be considered a no-show to that appointment. Regardless, you will be charged at the beginning of the session, as usual.
This policy carries the expectation that you be respectful of my time, so I want to also be respectful of your time. If I were to ever late cancel or no-show on you, your next session would be free of charge. (I’ve never no-showed and I’ve had to late cancel a day's worth of appointments in 3 years due to illness.)
Thank you for taking the time to read this!